"Makasih lebihnya ya non."
Tidak terbayang dia akan mengucapkan hal seperti itu. It is like one of a million. Setelah supir taxi itu mengucapkan terimakasihnya, saya pun tertegun sejenak. Wow. Wow. Wow. Saya hanya memberi lebih sekitar 2,250 perak dan itu bukan dalam hitungan dollar amerika ataupun australia. Ini mata uang rupiah! I gave him 12,000 to pay my 9,750 trip from Plaza Festival to Kosan di Manggarai. Saya terlihat heboh banget ya dengan ucapan terimakasih si supir itu? Tentu Saja! Karena tidak pernah sekalipun saya mendapatkan ucapan terimakasih atas lebihan yang saya berikan untuk si supir, malah tadinya saya berpikir itu terlalu sedikit. Tetapi dia menghargai pemberian saya yang menurut saya tidak terlalu berharga itu with a grateful heart. He has just did a small things yet it gave me something big to be reflected. And i smile. Sempat saya tidak dapat berkata - kata untuk membalas terimakasihnya itu. Saya hanya menoleh ke arah bapak itu. Terdiam sebentar dan membalas, "Terimakasih pak. Hati - Hati di jalan." Dan langsung membuka gembok pagar kos.
Sambil saya berjalan masuk, senyum masih menghiasi wajahku. I have been doing this and i want it be a lifestyle. This 'this' is about doing small things but it gives a great impact to others. It does not need a big effort to make people smile. It just needs a heart that is available because every one can do it but not every one has the heart to do it.
"A Little heart can make BIG things happen."
A small example of mine, in every opportunity, i smile to all people and greet them. In the office, on the way back to kos, when walking along the pavement, when i buy my lunch beside the office, etc. I greet even the Cleaning Service that i know their names because i spend my 5 minutes when i fill in my bottle with mineral water to have a chit chat with them. We can know information we won't get anywhere even from the highest level of people in the company. I always greet the taxi driver everytime i come into their cabs and ojek driver. I also smile with every security with that serious face haha. I just want to see their reaction especially the security in the embassy i pass through.
"To see people smile makes my heart smile as well."
![](https://ahsawnm08p2mollys.wikispaces.com/file/view/israel-125year-old-man-laughing.jpg/33028853/israel-125year-old-man-laughing.jpg) |
Smile is a fun way to live longer |
We do not know how big the impact of our smile to others. And psstt if you are wistful, just smile and your world will gonna be better. Just smile. Yeah like that. move your lips up a bit. Yeah that's it. Don't stop! Smile min. 5 min non stop! yeah. Better?