Yum. Who wants it? |
Rasanya eagerness saya untuk memasak pun sedikit berkurang di liburan kali ini. Mungkin ada pengaruhnya ya dari kesibukan semester lalu dan mungkin membutuhkan hibernasi yang cukup panjang. :D What a reason.. Tetapi sejak saya menonton Cake Boss - u can google it anyway - itu pengen banget masak kue. Pengen banget memenuhi rasa penasaran saya how to make those beautiful cakes. And finally i start to make a rainbow cake dengan modal searching2 di internet dan akhirnya berhasil menemukan sebuah resep yang kayaknya oke. Setelah dicoba, tampangnya cukup oke dan rasa pun tidak kalah dengan modifikasi2 tambahan cream cheese dan lainnya. Tetapi teksturnya sedikit terlalu lembut. Padahal udah ngebayangin kayak tekstur marble cake gitu. Kalo ini kyak sponge cake. I don’t know which one is better but I think texturized would make the taste melt in your mouth with a bit sense of cheese. Yum. My mom said it was better than the one she bought at a pretty well known bakery. Aww I’m flattered even though idk whether it was just a compliment or a fact. LOL.
Selanjutnya saya pun mencoba untuk membuat cupcakes. I made 3 tastes of cupcakes which are greentea, vanilla with strawberry filling, and almond with chocolate and caramel top. And the taste is so yummy but again, terlalu lembut untuk ukuran cupcakes but well I don’t know the international standard about the texture of a cupcake should be haha. Dan my mom also said it was soo delicious and she liked the texture. Soft. Dan saya cukup berbangga atas decoration nya karena ini cupcakes pertama saya yang di decorate sedemikian rupa. And if you look behind my cupcakes, u’ll find a bit messy on the cream. Biasanya mah mateng langsung abis. LOL. And these are the photos.. Ingin sekali diajari cara mendekorasi cupcakes. Someone please teach meeeeeee.
Ohya actually saya tidak tahu harus pakai cream jenis apa karena internet saya koneksinya mati tiba – tiba waktu itu alhasil I used whip cream hahaha. Is it right?
Fresh from the oven |
Green tea with cadburry bubble mint chocolate with greentea and almond sprinkles, almond with chocolate ganache and caramel sweet, and vanilla with strawberry filling :D |
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