Monday, November 26, 2012

The Basic


Saya hanya berpikir. Banyak sekali kebohongan yang membuat kita semakin menderita. Contohnya adalah orang yang tidak mempunyai tujuan hidup. People with no purpose is even worse than death. They do daily things but do not know what is the substance of all. They are all futile. Apa akhir dari semua yang kita lakukan?

Kalau tujuan kita untuk sukses, setelah kita mencapai kesuksesan kita, then what? Seorang direktur perusahaan besar suatu kali bertanya, "Saya bingung sekali. Sebentar lagi saya akan pensiun, tetapi yang membuat saya kepikiran adalah apa yang akan saya lakukan setelah itu? Tujuan hidup saya adalah menjadi direktur suatu perusahaan besar. Setelah itu tercapai, saya tidak tahu lagi setelah itu saya bagaimana. Masa menjadi direktur sudah lewat." Sama hal nya dengan seorang model yang berkata, "I live for Fashion. I am created to be a Model!" Pernah bayangkan tidak kalau dia sudah tua dan keriput, tidak ada lagi yang akan hire dia untuk menjadi model. Fashion ratusan juta pun tidak akan sanggup menutupi natura yang ada. Baru terpikir ya kalo that is why operasi plastik yang sebenarnya menyiksa itu laku banget. They want to look beautiful and secure but inside is insecure. Worry if there is something wrong about their appearance. Setelah dia tua, Does it means kalau tujuan hidup dia sudah hilang? Atau kalau tujuan hidup kita adalah lahir, dibesarkan, sekolah, kuliah, kerja, menikah, punya anak, then die. Then what for? 

If you see the gravestone, there will be a (-) between the born date and the date when you die. (-) is a big mystery of your life. It's about what they have done. Not for being remembered but to create a history, "Will the world be the same before you exist and after you die?" Start from the simple thing, it does not have to be the whole world that change.

What will you answer if you are being asked such questions:
What is the purpose of life?
Why do you exist?
Who is your creator?
Why does the creator create you, someone like you?

People will think and they will figure the question out by 'guessing'. Some guess nearly correct, some others not, and even some will honestly answer, 'idk!' If i create a handphone and i give it to the tribes that do not know the technology, what will they do? Will they know what is that for? I do not think so. Most probably, they will throw it out thinking it is a ball, or they will stand it up or to be display. They us it not congruent with the intention why i - the creator - create that handphone. What is the easiest way for them to know the use of that thing?

Ask The Creator.

They just need to ask me and i will explain it delightedly, then they will use it as it is created to be. *Reflecting* It is the same with human. They often do something that is not along as the intention the creator. Someone create something must be based on reasons, goals, hope, and intention. The easiest way to answer those questions above is to ask the creator of us. 

"And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." (John 16:23) 

"Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; .. " (Isaiah 58:9a)

God is our creator and i encourage you to ask Him, because it is written that the LORD will answer if we ask. 

"O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker." (Psalm 95:6)

Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture" (Psalm 100:3).

Saya teringat suatu pepatah Indonesia, "Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan." I have just got the essence of this proverb. Ask then your way - which is very long - will be smooth. ~(◕‿◕。)~ Many things happen out of my imagination, but i have the privilege to ask the omniscient. So lucky.

I wish today is gonna be worse than your tomorrow!


Wondering Me.

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